Sing a New Song” offers inspiration, leadership development and resources for worship leaders, preachers and musicians. Give yourself the gift of a day of refreshment for these vital ministries. Bring a group from your church to share in the breadth of experiences and wisdom on offer.
Adelaide West Uniting Church and Uniting College for Leadership and Theology,
Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Brooklyn Park
Keynote Speaker
Rev Prof Stephen Burns is quite simply one of the best teachers of worship in Australia. He was a keynote speaker at the national Transforming Worship conference at Burnside UC a few years ago. Stephen is on the faculty of Pilgrim Theological College in Melbourne and the University of Divinity. He is a prolific writer and a wonderful teacher. Stephen is originally from the UK and is a priest with the Church of England, now working ecumenically in placement with the Uniting Church. Profile
Friday 6 September
7.30 -9.00pm
Uniting College for Leadership & Theology
Post-colonial Worship in Australia?
What does it mean to reshape Christian worship in the light of our acknowledgement of the particular history and place of this land we inhabit, and the recognition of the story, culture and presence of its First Peoples? What does it mean to recognise how much our liturgical practices are shaped by northern hemisphere church traditions and contexts? How may our worship more authentically reflect this land and its peoples? Stephen Burns’ presentation will be followed by a panel conversation and Q&A.
Cost $10
Saturday 7 September
9.30am – 4.00pm
Adelaide West Uniting Church
Uniting College for Leadership & Theology
9.00am Registration at Adelaide West UC
9.30am Worship and plenary session – Stephen Burns: The Congregation is not an Audience
10.45am Morning Tea
11.15am Electives – Session 1
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Electives – Session 2
2.30pm Afternoon Tea
3.00pm Electives – Session 3
4.00pm Finish
$35 includes morning and afternoon tea
$120 for four to six peoplefrom one congregation
Lunch may be ordered for $15pp or BYO.
For group registrations from one congregation, please complete one group payment online. Groups will be emailed a discount code which group members can use when registering individually. Group members then register individually, indicate their church group, use the discount code and will pay no fee (other than lunch orders).
Registrations close Monday 2 Sept at 5.00pm.
Electives Program
SESSION 1: 11.15am-12.30pm
1A. Worship and Preaching in a Multicultural Church
In an increasingly multicultural society, much of our worship remains distinctly monocultural. How can our planning and leadership of worship shape an inclusive community? This session will explore how worship leaders might more genuinely include, represent, and communicate with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
Rev Dr Paul Goh and guests. Paul is the Justice and CALD Multicultural & Cross-cultural Officer of the SA Synod. He has a broad experience in living and working across cultures in the Uniting Church, as well as in Australian society. Paul’s guests will share from their local church experiences.
1B. Creative Ways to Engage Congregations in Singing
Music is the heartbeat of worship, expressing the depth of our praise, confession, receiving and responding to the word. Jenni will demonstrate ways to invite, encourage and teach people to join their voices in song. Join us and experience familiar and new music as responses, chants, actions, rhythms, harmonies and much more.
Rev Jenni Hughes is a musician, choir leader and songwriter, and an experienced worship leader who brings creativity to worship planning. She has been a minister at Brougham Place UC and is the incoming Executive Officer for Mission Resourcing SA.
1C. Online Church and Communities of Faith
Many churches are now broadcasting their worship services, either “live” or pre-recorded. What might it mean from only offering a one hour “balcony experience” to inviting more regular and meaningful engagement in faith formation? This session will cover both thinking and practice related to being hybrid Christian communities, including the approach taken by Adelaide West UC.
Dr Craig Mitchell is an educator and multimedia author with experience in digital communication. He is currently co-ordinating the CMLA. Rev Lynne Aird is a minister at Adelaide West UC. James Finlay is the media producer for Adelaide West UC.
1D. Crafting Words for Worship
This session is a primer for people seeking to write prayers and other words for worship. While books and the Internet can help with worship words, for many reasons leaders need to learn to find words that suit their particular community in a particular time. You will be guided with some “do’s and don’t” and also helped to reflect on how our words invite participation and evoke faith.
Leader to be advised
SESSION 2: 1.30-2.30pm
2A. Playing Jesus? – Presiding at the sacraments
This session for ministers and lay presiders will explore what we think we are doing when we lead, and how this shapes our practice. Stephen promises a provocative and helpful examination of how we understand and approach this central element of worship.
Rev Prof Stephen Burns is the author of a number of publications and articles that address the place of the sacraments and presiding in worship.
2B. Learning and Teaching New Music
Join us to learn some new worship songs in a range of styles – gathering praise, lament, affirmation, telling the word, sending, and more. We will be drawing from the Walk as One songbook. The session will also model and discuss ways to teach new music, and show you some of the range of resources available in the Walk as One Worship Music Packs. The session is guaranteed to leave you humming throughout the day.
Leigh Newton is a prolific singer-songwriter and recording artist. He is a former teacher. Leigh is involved in music leadership at Bridgewater UC. ‘Ferg’ Ferguson is likewise, but at Adelaide West UC. He is a man of many talents who is currently ‘working for the man.’
2C. The Word Comes Alive: Not Just a Bible Reading!
The Scriptures are at the heart of Christian worship, yet the Bible reading can be one of the dullest parts of worship. Come and learn how presenting the Scriptures can be engaging and life-giving. Sarah will teach ways to approach texts and skills for presentation that will help anyone given this important task.
Rev Dr Sarah Agnew is the minister at Christ Church UC, Wayville. Her doctoral studies combined biblical studies with performance studies. Sarah is a member of the Network of Biblical Storytellers and a gifted and experienced communicator.
2D. Planning and Leading Intergenerational Worship
Often we encourage participation in worship. However, planning for intergenerational engagement and interaction requires intentionality and consistent learning on the part of leaders. This session will explore practices and principles that can shape more authentically intergenerational worship that builds up the whole body of Christ.
Leader to be advised
SESSION 3: 3.00-4.00pm
3A. Creative Ideas for Advent and Christmas
Every year the CMLA offers a swag of creative ideas and resources for seasonal worship. This will be an enjoyable, participatory session of new stuff to infuse your worship with depth, creativity, humour, wisdom, symbols and life! Did we mention take-home goodies?
Karan and JS Hudson have been part of creative worship at Brougham Place UC for years. Karen is also a teacher and visual artist. JS co-ordinates the Subtle Bricks Theatre Company as well as writing scripts. He is a retiring engineer and raconteur.
3B. Worship with No Musicians
So you have no musicians? Or they are on holidays? Can you still have music? Yes! Can people still sing together? Yes! Come and learn some ways to include music and song – some are simple and some require a bit more planning. This session will provide a stimulus to your worship whether your music needs are occasional or eternal!
Leader to be advised
3C. Art, Symbol and Imagination
Th e Word became flesh, which means that it was not only heard but seen. Art and symbols have been integral to Hebrew and Christian worship throughout the ages. Telling stories, enlivening imagination, evoking faith, inviting contemplation, deepening meaning and mystery. Mark will demonstrate and discuss a range of ways to enhance and enrich worship through visual and artistic expression.
Rev Mark Hewitt is a minister at Pilgrim UC with a long history of leading creative worship.. He is a visual artist and photographer with years of experience in using art in worship.
2D. Copyright: The conversation you’d rather not have (but need to)
The digital media has revolutionised the ability to copy, adapt and transmit information – text, images, sound, video. The internet era has further expanded the ability of churches to create, ‘borrow’, copy and share. Churches need to understand and actively manage their use of material from a wide range of sources. This session will focus on copyright in relation to worship and include consideration of issues related to streaming worship services.
Dr Craig Mitchell is the Co-ordinator of the CMLA. He has 30 years experience in publishing and 20 years experience in media production. Rev Sue Page is an Associate General Secretary of the SA Synod. Her responsibilities include being the copyright officer for UCA SA Synod. She is a former chaplain in the armed forces.
Enquiries email or phone us on 08 8267 2657
Registrations close Monday 2 Sept at 5.00pm.