Every second Friday of the month, 10.00-11.00am Adelaide time, the CMLA is hosting a monthly online Zoom cafe for preachers, providing an informal opportunity for peer reflection by ministers, lay preachers and others to reflect on texts and themes for the coming month. This will be an conversational forum for sharing insights, pondering questions, developing ideas and learning with and from one another.
We hope to explore creative approaches to themes and the craft of preaching itself, not simply discuss the meanings of texts.
Bring a coffee or tea, a Bible and notepad. Second Friday of every month, April to November.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 0220 0247
Passcode: 023140
One tap mobile
+61861193900,,83702200247#,,,,*023140# Australia
+61871501149,,83702200247#,,,,*023140# Australia